Health Council of South Florida

7855 NW 12th St, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33126
Tel: 305-592-1452
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Southeast Florida Cancer Control Collaborative
May Steering Committee Meeting
Conference Call Line Option: (786) 535-4360
Participant Code: 110 #
Dr. Marie Etienne, Maray Salina, Chris Varela, John Brown, Leonor Pupo, Cara Kondaki, Tenesha Avent
SFCCC Co-Chair, Dr. Marie Etienne and Maray Salina greeted the members to the SFCCC Steering Committee meeting. Members were asked to state their name, organization, and workgroup they are a part of.
Workgroup Updates:
SFCCC work group updates are as follows:
1. Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group
Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group Leader, Leonor Pupo, explained the Miami Print Shop has requested high resolution photos for the SFCCC brochure. Synergy and Networking Workgroup leaders will work with the SFCCC Coordinator to allocate high-resolution pictures for the brochure to finalize the draft and proceed with printing of the SFCCC brochures
2. Risk Reduction Work Group
Risk Reduction Work Group Leader, John Brown noted the group is currently collaborating with the American Cancer Society and the American Lung Association on educational materials that will be disseminated at hospitals. The workgroup plans to collaborate with hospitals, radiology directors, and breast imaging medical directors to distribute the healthy lifestyle brochures at the time of breast and lung cancer screenings. The overall goal is to promote the wellness materials to patients prior to a cancer diagnosis and therapy. Since November, Memorial Healthcare System’s Lung Cancer Screening program has provided cancer screenings to a few hundred patients. The workgroup plans to initially begin distributing the wellness materials via the Memorial’s Lung Cancer Screening Program. John Brown also noted the workgroup will collaborate with the Radiation Therapy Program Manager at Broward College to train students as ambassadors to provide education to patients during community awareness sessions. This Collaboration will also allow the workgroup to participate in events that support tobacco cessation and hold showings of the “Someone You Love”, HPV Vaccine DVD. SFCCC Co-Chair, Marie Etienne, offered to share contacts for RN/BSN programs, so the workgroup can explore working with other colleges on distributing the wellness materials. John shared he is scheduled for a meeting with the CEO of Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital to discuss smoking cessation programs for teenagers. SFCCC Co-Chair, Maray Salina, suggested inviting both partners to the June Quarterly meeting. Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group Leader, Leonor Pupo will connect with John regarding the electronic educational materials that can be placed in patients’ Memorial myChart portal.
3. Disparities Work Group
Chris Varela, Disparities Work Group leader noted Fayola Delica, Disparities Work Group leader, presented on Colorectal Cancer: Screening, Prevention, and Treatment at the 9th Annual Community Health Worker/Promotores Southeast Florida Regional Symposium on April 30th, 2019.
4. Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group
Cara Kondacki, Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group leader discussed the agenda for the Survivorship Symposium held at Cleveland Clinic on June 1, 2019. There will be four 30-minute presentations on the survivorship care plan, survivorship diet, the next level of survivorship, and mindfulness and stress reductions. Participants will also take part in a chair yoga session.
New Business:
Strategic Plan Revisions
a. Strategy 1.2.2- Marie Etienne will create a list of contacts of public officials SFCCC can connect with and begin conversations regarding obtaining new resolutions in support of tobacco-free multi-unit housing.
2. Objectives not on schedule
a. SFCCC Co-Chairs, Maray Salina and Marie Etienne, will review the objectives after the Steering Committee meeting and discuss action steps to complete the objectives.
Next Steering Committee Meeting- TBD
SFCCC Quarterly Meeting- The June Quarterly meeting will be held at Holy Cross Women’s Center in Fort Lauderdale on June 10, 2019.
Meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m. The next Steering Committee meeting will be announced in the coming days.