Health Council of South Florida

7855 NW 12th St, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33126
Tel: 305-592-1452
Fax: 305-592-0589

April Quarterly Meeting
Southeast Florida Cancer Control Collaborative
Conference Call Line Option: (786) 535-4360
Participant Code: 110 #
Welcome and Introductions
SFCCC Co-Chairs, Teddy Speropoulos and Trivel McKire welcomed everyone to the SFCCC and CCC Joint Meeting. Ms. Speropoulos and Ms. McKire thanked The American Cancer Society of West Palm Beach for their generous support of the SFCCC and for hosting the meeting
Old Business: Approval of March 17th Quarterly Meeting Minutes
Teddy Speropoulos asked members to review the meeting minutes from the March 17th quarterly meeting. A motion to approve the meeting minutes was made by Wendie Nemeroff and seconded by Anne Fonfa. The minutes were approved.
2017 Quarterly meeting in Review
Trivel McKire introduced the four co-chairs; Maray Salina, Marie Etienne, Anne Fonfa & Lenise Banwarie who would give highlights of the success of their workgroups in 2017.
Maray Salina recapped highlights of 2017, from the, “Not Just Surviving but Thriving” Cancer Survivorship Symposium back in June 2017. The event was hosted by Memorial Regional Hospital at the Memorial Cancer Institute at which time the Humanitarian Award Winners were announced. Overall, it was a wonderful meeting filled with celebration and they are looking forward to next year’s event.
Marie Etienne provided some updates regarding the Colon project, which is still in the process of booking/reserving for future events. Trivel stated that health centers are the best candidate for this type of educational tool (opposed to health fairs). She also encouraged the members to reserve the inflated colon for the months of Feb/ March 2018 if needed to be used at their location.
2017 Year Review Presentation
Survivorship & Quality of Life - Co-Chair Maray Salina, presented the year of 2017 in review and provided a recap for the audience of the Cancer Survivorship Symposium. The event took place on June 15, 2017 and was hosted by Memorial Hospital in the Main Auditorium. Over 190 people registered to attend the event where awards were given to three (3) individuals, Jessica Macintyre (Patient Advocacy Award), Linda Long (Cancer Community Supporter Award) and Dr. Naomi Cobb (Educator Award). A special recognition award was given to Dorothy Parker. The Committee looks forward to celebrating and hosting the event once more in 2018.
Disparities - Marie Etienne, Co-Chair for the Disparities Committee shared with the SFCCC members the work being done in the community. Over 12 educational sessions were held in various locations including Boca Raton Hospital, Holy Cross Hospital, Mount Sinai, Jessie Trice Community Health Center and Memorial Healthcare System to name a few. At several events, the inflatable colon was used as a tool to engage and educate attendees in the community on the risk and treatment available. The Committee continues to conduct outreach to groups that are at high risk of incidences of cancers by doing promotion and education on screening and vaccination.
Risk Reduction - Anne Fonfa, President & Founder, of Annie Appleseed Project and Co-Chair of the Risk Reduction Committee presented information regarding risk aversion activities. She educated the audience on topics discussed at community events including discussion on the use of alternative or natural therapy to reduce their risk for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes as well as exercise for overall health and wellbeing.
Synergy & Networking/ Membership - The SFCCC members heard from Co-Chair Lenise Banwarie on efforts by the committee to recruit new membership to the Collaborative. The Committee has targeted Monroe County for participation in the SFCCC. Currently the Committee is working with the Department of Health and Fishermen’s Hospital/ Baptist Health System to increase its presence in the county. Ms. Banwarie called on the other Committees to assist by promoting the SFCCC when they are out and about in the community or conducting events. A plea was made to recruit a Co-Chair who will help to cover the North counties as she currently works heavily in the South area.
By Laws
The group discussed making changes to the By-Laws which would allow past members who served in the SFCCC to be able remain engaged and serve in an officer role. In addition, the talks included extending this to include caregivers and patient advocates. Members must attend at least two meetings per year and participate in activities to achieve the mission of the SFCCC. The modifications were made to item #1 with and an additional item #4 was added. The revisions were made to Article IV Section 2 Task B to read as listed below:
B. A member-at-large may be selected to serve on the Steering Committee (see Article IV, Section 3)
1. Must be a member or former member in good standing or advocate
2. Can be nominated by member-in good standing, or self-nominated
3. Will be appointed to serve two-year term
4. A maximum of 2 such individuals to serve at a time
A motion to approve the updates to the member-at-large category on the SFCCC ByLaws was moved by Marie Etienne and seconded by Anne Fonfa. The motion passed unanimously.
State Updates – Florida Department of Health
Sam Mooneyhan, Program Director for Comprehensive Cancer Control Program provided an update to all members via conference call. He mentioned that statewide, they are looking at the larger picture and he mentioned the good news is that the Southern region is excelling at the strategic planning process. Mr. Mooneyhan provided a quick overview on potential available funding and the process which takes place to identify who needs funding. The Department of Health is always looking for new ideas as they strive to support those projects that are ready to go based on limited funding available. For example, HPV intervention – they are looking at coordinated efforts to improve systems that are currently vaccinating since vaccination rates are low in the State of Florida. Further, they are looking at opportunities to enhance that process. Mr. Mooneyhan also stated that they are coming up on the next grant cycle (2017-2022) and they welcome any feedback on how the process can be improved.
Workgroup Breakout Sessions
Survivorship & Quality of Life – The Committee will follow the Strategic Plan for 2018 to continue working as a group to provide resources and support to the community for cancer survivors and their caregivers. In addition, the Committee will begin planning for the 2018 Symposium with a targeted date for the event by June 2018. The Symposium will continue to provide recognition to the those who are working hard in helping our cancer survivors in the community. The Committee aims to apply for grant funding as mention earlier by Sam Mooneyhan during the phone conference to further the role of the work being done.
Disparities – A goal of this Committee’s Strategic Plan for 2018, is to create an action plan that will promote collaboration with other groups such as FIU, UM, and AHEC for the use of the inflatable Colon at events. The Committee will continue to educate the community and will host a major event in October 2018 during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Overall, they plan on partnering with Community Health Workers (CHW) in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties to provide at least 16 education sessions throughout the year at various events.
Risk Reduction - Strategic Plan for 2018 efforts include working on a poster campaign to promote and improve healthy eating and stress reduction, with emphasis on prevention of tobacco use.
Synergy and Networking/ Membership – This Committee will focus its Strategic Plan 2018 efforts to bring passion to the SFCCC by splitting the group into two areas, North and South Counties. The Committee aims to recruit more people while finding better ways to facilitate participation and make it easier for others to join the group. Finally, they will work on putting together a membership packet to encourage members to network and encouraged current members to bring someone new with them to the meetings.
The date of the next SFCCC quarterly meeting will be announced to members via email. Also, there will be a Joint SFCCC/CCC meeting that will take place in March/April. The meeting date will be determined at a later date.
There being no further business or updates the meeting was adjourned at 12:35 p.m.