Health Council of South Florida

7855 NW 12th St, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33126
Tel: 305-592-1452
Fax: 305-592-0589

December Quarterly Meeting
Southeast Florida Cancer Control Collaborative
Conference Call Line Option: (786) 535-4360
Participant Code: 110 #
1. Wesam Ahmed-Cleveland Clinic Florida
2. Lenise Banwarie- Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County
3. Elizabeth Bradley-VITAS Healthcare
4. John Brown- Memorial Cancer Institute
5. Fayola Delica- Haitian American Professionals Coalition (HAPC)
6. Marie Etienne- Miami Dade College
7. Lisa Eusebio-Memorial Cancer Institute
8. Zach Goldberg-Deliver the Dream
9. Hollie Gow-Miami Cancer Institute, Baptist Health
10. Antonia Hilaire- Broward Community and Family Health Center
11. Mary Margaret Killmeyer- Debbie's Dream Foundation
12. Kelly King-Memorial Cancer Institute
13. Cara Kondaki- Cleveland Clinic Florida
14. Janet McDonald- Broward Community & Family Health Centers
15. Trivel McKire-Florida Department of Health Broward County
16. Wendie Nemeroff-Catholic Hospice
17.Belinda Paulicin- Gilda's Club South Florida
18. Kim Saiswick- Holy Cross Hospital
19. Maray Salina- Memorial Cancer Institute
20. Elizabeth Soriano- University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center
21. Terri Sorrels- Memorial Cancer Institute
22. Teddy-Speropoulos-Memorial Physician Group
23. Jill Szymanski-Baptist Health South Florida
24. Chris Varela-American Cancer Society (ACS)
25. Tenesha Avent-Health Council of South Florida
Via Conference Call
1.Leonor Pupo- American Cancer Society
2. Sam Mooneyhan-Florida Department of Health
Welcome and Introductions
SFCCC Co-Chairs, Trivel McKire and Teddy Speropoulos greeted and thanked members for attending the SFCCC Quarterly Meeting. Members were asked to state their name, organization, and workgroup. Trivel gave special recognition to Memorial Hospital West for hosting the meeting and providing breakfast and refreshments. Trivel highlighted the following meeting agenda items: 2018 year in review, statewide update, work group updates, work group breakout sessions, and new business.
Teddy provided an update on the SFCCC Co-Chair nominations and upcoming election. Trivel discussed the SFCCC mission and the 2017-2019 Strategic Plan. Trivel and Teddy discussed the importance of consistent member participation and the impact it has on the overall success of the Collaborative. Members were encouraged to discuss SFCCC’s mission with their colleagues and partners and bring a guest to the next quarterly meeting.
2018 Year End Review on Cancer Control Efforts in Florida:
Trivel recapped the five (5) state themes in cancer control. The top 10 cancers in Florida were discussed and members were informed SFCCC focused on lung, bronchus, breast, and colorectal cancers. Trivel discussed the progress made toward the two (2) state themes on the Strategic Plan, “The Best Defense is a Great Offense” (Prevention), and “Beyond the Cancer Diagnosis” (Survivorship).
Statewide Update
Sam Mooneyhan, Program Director, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program
Sam Mooneyhan, Program Director for the Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, discussed the impact evidence-based research has on influencing cancer control implementation and policy to drive cessation in smoking and education in prevention. The Florida Department of Health (FDOH) are diligently working to screen and vaccinate eligible patients. Innovative ideas such as reminder systems for physicians and patients are encouraged to support cancer prevention and HPV vaccination for children before the age of 15. Sam also discussed many funding opportunities will be based on barriers to cancer treatment and prevention. New funding opportunities will be released for the year 2019. Most of the announcements will be 2-year programmatic and implementation projects.
Trivel and Chris Varela asked Sam about the process of applying to the funding announcements. Sam supported the idea of multiple systems being involved in the projects. Wasem Ahmed emphasized the importance on better educating primary care physicians on cancer screenings. Cara Kondaki noted one of the major barriers that play a crucial role in patients seeking health services from primary care physicians is insufficient health coverage. Antonia Hilaire stated an alternative option for patients that do not have health coverage. Antonia informed the members of the Broward Community and Family Health Center locations. Kim Saisick suggested the Collaborative create a brochure with Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) in the 8 service counties.
Work Group Updates
Leonor Pupo (Synergy and Networking/Membership Workgroup Co-Chair) provided an update on the SFCCC brochure and the “Bring the Buddy” Collaborative meeting. The SFCCC brochure has been updated and the work group has been researching funding opportunities and print shops that will assist with printing 500 brochures. The brochures will serve to be very beneficial when inviting potential members to meetings. Members are encouraged to discuss SFCCC’s cancer control efforts and accomplishments with their colleagues and partners. The “Bring the Buddy” initiative was created to encourage members to invite a guest to the meetings. Leonor requested current members to bring a new person to each quarterly meeting.
SFCCC Co-Chair Teddy Speropoulos discussed the need for a new Risk Reduction Work Group Co-Chair. John Brown offed to serve as one of the Co-Chairs for the Risk Reduction work group. Teddy also offed to serve as Co-Chair. John Brown and Teddy Speropoulos will serve as the new Co-Chairs for the Risk Reduction work group without objections.
Dr. Marie Etienne (Co-Chair Disparities Workgroup) discussed the purpose of the Disparities work group. Chris Varela (Co-Chair Disparities Workgroup) informed members, although March is colorectal cancer month, members used the giant colon for events all year. There is a 72-hour reservation for the giant colon. Members are required to complete a waiver and pick up the giant colon at the Doral American Cancer Society office. Dr. Etienne noted the Haitian American Nurses Association of Florida provided education on breast cancer for 2018 year. Sixty-six (66) MDC nursing students served as ambassadors for cancer control efforts and assisted with cancer screenings. The work group held 2-3 events on cancer prevention and education. In collaboration with the Haitian American Nurses Association (HANA) and Haitian American Professionals Coalition (HAPC), Dr. Etienne organized a medical mission to Immokalee in Collier County Florida to provide cancer screenings to migrant workers.
Maray Salina (Survivorship and Quality of Life Workgroup Co-Chair) discussed the purpose of the work group. The work group collaborated with Holy Cross to hold the Survivorship Symposium but is currently on hold. Maray volunteered to work on the free to low cost care resource guide. Cara Kondacki and Wendie Nemeroff volunteered to be the new Co-Chairs of the work group. Cara Kondacki and Wendie Nemeroff will serve as the new Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group Co-Chairs.
Work Group Next Steps
The Synergy and Networking/Membership Workgroup requested assistance from members to participate in the “Bring A Buddy” Initiative.
Risk Reduction Workgroup members discussed utilizing each member’s connections with stakeholders. The group also discussed the benefits of using social media to inform patients about risks of cancer.
The Disparities Workgroup created a Whatsapp account to have better communication among work group members. The first meeting in 2019 will be in the second week of February. The work group will use the 2017-2019 Strategic Plan to better strategize how continue meeting the state goals. Chris put out a request for the Mega Colon for March. The next medical mission trip will be March 22-26 and October. The medical mission typically serves about 900 people.
Survivorship and Quality of Life Workgroup members will aim towards setting up a survivorship program in June during Survivorship month. The group will highlight the importance of cancer survivors staying physically active. Members plan to partner with the local YMCAs and hospitals to promote the program and will create a flyer to distribute. Members suggested having an awards breakfast and offer a yoga session before the breakfast. Cara will see if the Cleveland Clinic can host the Survivorship Symposium.
The meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Please stay tuned for the next quarterly meeting details.