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Southeast Florida Cancer Control Collaborative 

April Steering Committee Meeting

Conference Call Line Option: (786) 535-4360

Participant Code: 110 #






Dr. Marie Etienne, Maray Salina, Leonor Pupo, Natasha Carr, Chris Varela, Cara Kondaki, Wendie Nemeroff, Dinah Trevil, Rachelle Theodore, Tenesha Avent



SFCCC Co-Chair, Maray Salina greeted the members to the SFCCC Steering Committee meeting. 



Workgroup Updates:

SFCCC Workgroup updates were provided are as follows:


Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group

Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group Leaders will provide an update during the next Steering Committee meeting.



Risk Reduction Work Group

Risk Reduction Work Group Leaders, Dinah Trevil and Rachelle Theodore, stated they are working to reconnect with the Risk Reduction Work Group members. The Co-Chairs have ideas of implementing a social media campaign to help the community stay engaged regarding healthy lifestyle behaviors to reduce the risk of cancer, along with other chronic diseases.



Disparities Work Group

Chris Varela, Disparities Work Group leader, stated the work group does not have any updates at this time. The colon model has been placed in the ACS storage in Miami since it will not be utilized in the coming months. Chris stated the Disparities Work Group will schedule a meeting to re-group in the coming weeks.



Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group

Cara Kondaki, Co-Chair of the Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group, noted the work group has been researching online support groups for survivors and caregivers. Due to COVID-19, many face-to-face support groups have been cancelled so this is a great way for families to still receive support and stay connected to essential resources.



New Business:

  1. 2020-2025 Florida State Cancer Plan

    1. Members discussed each objective in the “Goals at a Glance” Strategic Plan document and provided feedback on the priority areas for the Southeast Region.  

  2. University of Miami Smoking Cessation Study for Cancer Survivors

    1. Members were encouraged to distribute the program flyer among their networks

    2. May Steering Committee Meeting- TBA

    3. Partner Announcements




Meeting adjourned at 10:50a.m.  The next Steering Committee meeting will be announced in the coming days.


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