Health Council of South Florida

7855 NW 12th St, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33126
Tel: 305-592-1452
Fax: 305-592-0589

December Quarterly Meeting
Southeast Florida Cancer Control Collaborative
Conference Call Line Option: (786) 535-4360
Participant Code: 110 #
1. Maray Salina- Memorial Cancer Institute
2. Marie Etienne- Miami-Dade College, HAPC, HANA
3. Sharon Cohan- The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
4. David Cowan- Ali's Alliance Inc, The Cancer Directory
5. Corinne Danielson- Sari Center
6. Ann Fonfa- Annie Appleseed Project
7. Donna Goodwin- American Cancer Society Palm Beach
8. Sharon Greene- Department of Health Palm Beach County
9. Josh Hirsch- Susan G. Komen Florida
10. Cara Kondacki- Cleveland Clinic
11. Trivel McKire- Department of Health Broward County
12. Hayes Milani- Nutronco LLC
13. Susan Theroux- Delray Medical Center
14. Chris Cox- Cancer Alliance of Health & Hope
15. Roger Buckwalter- Cancer Alliance of Health & Hope
16. Linda Shappell- Memorial Cancer Institute
17. Tracy Ernst- Essential Candy
18. Stephanie Bryan
19. Samantha Sanders- JMC Hair Wear
20. Cynthia Thiry- Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
21. Jennifer Tobon- American Cancer Society
22. Tenesha Avent- Health Council of South Florida
Via Conference Call
1. Rebecca McClain- Florida Department of Health
Welcome and Introductions:
SFCCC Co-Chairs, Maray Salina and Dr. Marie Etienne greeted the members to the December 2019 Quarterly meeting. Members were asked to state their name, organization, and workgroup.
Cara Kondaki, LCSW, ACSW, CBPN-IC, OSW-C, Cleveland Clinic Florida
Provided a brief overview of the Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center.
Importance of Survivorship
Dr. Zeina Nahleh, Cleveland Clinic Florida
Dr. Nahleh noted policies and advocacy surrounding cancer survivorship needs more public awareness. Dr. Nahleh also explained how patients with cancer experience a form of trauma and need much more care than just treating the cancer. Dr. Nahleh highlighted the importance of utilizing cancer rehabilitation as a service and placing more focus on the mental wellness of patients with cancer. There needs to be an equal amount of energy put toward survivorship efforts. The cancer support community can start advocating for things that affect patients such as healthier lifestyles. Cancer patients need healthier ways to relieve stress rather than overeating, smoking, and drinking alcohol. Dr. Nahleh explained patients are normally referred to the survivorship clinic toward the end of their treatment, which focuses on nutritional services, stress screening and psychotherapy, and genetic screening.
Risk Reduction Work Group Co-Chair Vacancies
Maray Salina & Dr. Marie Etienne, SFCCC Co-Chairs
There were two volunteers for the Risk Reduction Work Group Co-Chair vacancies, Dinah Trevil and Rachelle Theodore. The Collaborative took a vote and Dinah Trevil and Rachelle Theodore were announced as the new Risk Reduction Work Group Co-Chairs.
Work Group Updates:
SFCCC Work group updates were provided are as follows:
Synergy and Networking/Membership Workgroup
A new member, Roman Pichardo from Catholic Hospice, joined the Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group. The Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group suggested a more streamlined process for the new member orientation. Leonor Pupo, Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group Co-chair will work with the SFCCC Coordinator to update the new member packet. Once new members contact the SFCCC, the SFCCC Coordinator will connect the new member to the Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group. The Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group will welcome the new member and provide a brief introduction and orientation of the Collaborative and the SFCCC Coordinator will connect the new member to their desired work group and send an invitation to the upcoming Quarterly meeting. The SFCCC Coordinator will update the membership page with the new brochure, application, and resources. Members discuss how to strategically promote SFCCC and its initiatives. Ann Fonfa, Annie Appleseed Project, suggested reaching out to the less active non-profits. Members also discussed requesting time at their organizational meetings to provide a quarterly SFCCC update. SFCCC Co-Chair, Dr. Marie Etienne recommended prior to listing member organizations on the SFCCC website, they need to have a clear understanding of the SFCCC bylaws. Dr. Etienne also recommended any current member interested in the SFCCC Co-Chair position, should notify the current SFCCC Co-Chairs as soon as possible.
Risk Reduction Workgroup
SFCCC Co-Chairs, Rachelle Theodore and Dinah Trevil, noted the group will target hospitals to provide healthier options to the staff, patients and families. The work group agreed with Dr. Nahleh’s presentation that members need to model the healthier lifestyles for the community. The work group will place more education on HPV and the HPV vaccination. The work group will discuss in their upcoming meetings the outline of activities for the 2020 year and how to prioritize and expand on objectives in the strategic plan.
Disparities Workgroup
Dr. Fayola Delica, Disparities Work Group leader, discussed the partnership of Broward Community & Family Health Centers, Inc and Gilda’s Club focusing on Women of Color and Breast Cancer. The work group will collaborate with Gilda’s Club on their Kids CAN program which focuses on providing education and presentations to middle and high school students in Broward County on tobacco use, HPV, and healthy eating. The work group will also collaborate with the Broward Community & Family Health Centers, Inc to participate in their monthly outreach awareness meetings to re-evaluate how to better educate communities with high incidences of cancer. The work group will also work together with Broward Community & Family Health Centers, Inc to participate in the Tobacco Cessation classes held on Hollywood Beach on Saturday mornings
Survivorship and Quality of Life Workgroup
Cara Kondaki, Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group leader stated that Phil Fusca of Holy Cross offered to host the 2020 Survivorship Symposium.
Member Announcements:
Antonia Hilarie, Broward Community & Family Health Centers, Inc notified members the Broward Community & Family Health Centers, Inc received funding to implement a new program to target food deficiency in BCFHC patients for 6-9 months. The program also partnered with the Dania Patch to show the patients how to prepare healthy meals.
Belinda Paulicin, Gilda’s Club, advised members of the Day of Research and Hope Conference on April 18 at Nova Southeastern University.
Leonor Pupo, American Cancer Society, reported on that Boca Regional Hospital and the University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center received the National Research Grant from American Cancer Society and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and Broward Health received grants focused on providing cancer education and prevention.
Rachelle Theodore, CLT Business Solutions LLC advised the members of a collaboration with the cancer support community on providing community support groups for black multiple myeloma patients in January and February 2020.
Ann Fonfa, Annie Appleseed Project, notified members the Complementary, Integrative and Holistic Conference will be held on Feb 27-29, 2020.
Elsa Raynor, Lynn Cancer Institute, advised members on the February 5, 2020, there will be a workshop to teach patients with cancer how to best communicate with children about cancer.
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. The next SFCCC Quarterly Meeting will take place in March 2020 at the American Cancer Society in West Palm Beach, Florida.