Health Council of South Florida

7855 NW 12th St, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33126
Tel: 305-592-1452
Fax: 305-592-0589

June Quarterly Meeting
Southeast Florida Cancer Control Collaborative
Conference Call Line Option: (786) 535-4360
Participant Code: 110 #
1. Maray Salina- Memorial Cancer Institute
2. Marie Etienne- Miami-Dade College, HAPC, HANA
3. Sharon Cohan- The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
4. David Cowan- Ali's Alliance Inc, The Cancer Directory
5. Corinne Danielson- Sari Center
6. Ann Fonfa- Annie Appleseed Project
7. Donna Goodwin- American Cancer Society Palm Beach
8. Sharon Greene- Department of Health Palm Beach County
9. Josh Hirsch- Susan G. Komen Florida
10. Cara Kondacki- Cleveland Clinic
11. Trivel McKire- Department of Health Broward County
12. Hayes Milani- Nutronco LLC
13. Susan Theroux- Delray Medical Center
14. Chris Cox- Cancer Alliance of Health & Hope
15. Roger Buckwalter- Cancer Alliance of Health & Hope
16. Linda Shappell- Memorial Cancer Institute
17. Tracy Ernst- Essential Candy
18. Stephanie Bryan
19. Samantha Sanders- JMC Hair Wear
20. Cynthia Thiry- Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
21. Jennifer Tobon- American Cancer Society
22. Tenesha Avent- Health Council of South Florida
Via Conference Call
1. Rebecca McClain- Florida Department of Health
2. Dr. Marie Etienne- Miami Dade College
3. Dr. Fayola Delica- Haitian American Professionals Coalition (HAPC)
Welcome and Introductions:
SFCCC Co-Chairs, Maray Salina and Dr. Marie Etienne greeted the members to the June Quarterly meeting. Members were asked to state their name, organization, and workgroup they are a part of.
Holy Cross Hospital Bienes Comprehensive Cancer Center
Executive Director of Holy Cross Hospital, Terence Pickett, provided an overview of the Holy Cross Hospital’s Bienes Comprehensive Cancer Center. Mr. Pickett discussed program highlights, support services, and current/future program initiatives.
Statewide Update:
Rebecca McClain, Program Director, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program
Rebecca stated the new projects from the State will focus on Systems Changes. She is in the process of updating the Collaborative Map with the appropriate Coordinator contact information for each region.
Legislative Update on Tobacco Cessation
Dr. Barry Hummel of Tobacco Free Florida provided an overview of the Tobacco Free Florida’s mission. Dr. Hummel also noted how tobacco use contributes to preventable causes of death and highlighted the dangers of electronic cigarettes. Collaborative members were informed about the latest vaping trend, JUUL and how tobacco companies are targeting youth by making the device discrete and trendy. The presentation informed SFCCC members how tobacco policy change can be used as a strategy for cancer prevention.
Strategic Plan Review- Revisions
SFCCC Co-Chairs Maray Salina and Marie Etienne discussed the objectives that need more attention such as 1.1.1, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.3.1, and 2.1.1. Marie Etienne offered to create a list of contacts of public officials the Collaborative can connect with and begin conversations regarding obtaining new resolutions and working to support of tobacco-free multi-unit housing. Members also discussed the importance of reconnecting with tobacco workgroups for each county to assist with the tobacco cessation objectives.
Work Group Updates:
SFCCC Work group updates were provided are as follows:
Synergy and Networking/Membership Workgroup
Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group Leader, Leonor Pupo, explained the Miami Print Shop has requested high resolution photos for the SFCCC brochure. Synergy and Networking Workgroup leaders will work with the SFCCC coordinator to allocate high-resolution pictures for the brochure to finalize the draft and proceed with printing of the brochures. The workgroup is also working on the “Bring the Buddy” system and are still encouraging each member to invite a guest to the quarterly meetings.
Risk Reduction Workgroup
SFCCC Co-Chair, Maray Salina provided and update for the Risk Reduction workgroup. The workgroup is doing a lot of work in breast and lung cancer screening awareness. The workgroup plans to collaborate with hospitals, radiology directors, and breast imaging medical directors to distribute the healthy lifestyle brochures at the time of breast and lung cancer screenings. The overall goal is to promote the wellness materials to patients prior to a cancer diagnosis and therapy.
Disparities Workgroup
Chris Varela, Disparities Work Group leader, stated the Giant Colon participated in 11 activities during the month of June. The workgroup has discussed building partnerships with organizations like Tobacco Free Florida to gain assistance with meeting the tobacco cessation objectives.
Survivorship and Quality of Life Workgroup
Cara Kondaki, Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group leader stated there were 75 participated registered and 65 participants attended the Survivorship Symposium. There were four 30-minute presentations on the survivorship care plan (Alicia Soler-Cancio, PA-C—Baptist Health South Florida), survivorship diet (Kelly Kugler, RD—Holy Cross Hospital), the next level of survivorship (Cathy Fu, MD—Cleveland Clinic), and mindfulness and stress reduction (Dr. Sameet M Kumar—Memorial Healthcare
Work Group Next Steps:
SFCCC Work Group updates were provided are as follows:
Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group
The Synergy and Networking/Membership workgroup will work with the SFCCC coordinator on re-engage previous SFCCC members.The SFCCC coordinator will send the workgroup the sign-in sheets from the last 3 quarterly meetings. The workgroup will use this information to send reminders to members about the requirements of being an active SFCCC member.
Risk Reduction Work Group
The Risk Reduction Work Group leaders will provide an update on their next steps at the next Steering and Quarterly Meetings.
Disparities Work Group
Chris Varela, Disparities Work Group leader stated the work group will work reach out to DOH on the tobacco cessation work they are conducting in the community. The workgroup will also conduct research using Heat Maps to identify areas in the region they have the highest rates of prostate cancer. The members noted it will be beneficial to explore the myths surrounding prostate cancer. This information can be used to better educate the community on the most accurate information surrounding prostate cancer. Members will discuss how to appropriately distribute the messaging for the Prostate Cancer Campaign.
Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group
Cara Kondaki, Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group leader stated since the workgroup has completed their objectives surrounding survivorship, the workgroup members will now focus on moving forward with assisting the Collaborative on completing priority objectives.
New Business:
Member Announcements:
The best of ASCO 2019 Miami Symposium will be on July 12th and 13th.
Next SFCCC Quarterly Meeting date TBD: September 2019
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. The next SFCCC Quarterly Meeting will take place in September.