Health Council of South Florida

7855 NW 12th St, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33126
Tel: 305-592-1452
Fax: 305-592-0589

The Annie Appleseed Project
7319 Serrano Terrace
Delray Beach
Palm Beach
Any professional Group, General public
Week Days, Evenings, Weekends
up to 50 miles
Mini Biography:
Ann was diagnosed with cancer in 1993 and unable to take chemo or radiation. she learned about alternative/complementary/integrative medicine and founded a nonprofit organization, The Annie Appleseed Project. She attends national medical, scientific, research and support meetings, sends advocate volunteers, gathers information for her website. Produces a monthly e-newsletter. Runs national educational conferences on Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Cancer Therapies. Internationally-recognized speaker (India, Brazil, Japan, Portugal, etc.), advocate for the right of all people with cancer to get information on natural therapies to make more informed choices. Served on grant review panels, National Action Plan for Breast Cancer, Florida Field Coordinator, National Breast Cancer Coalition, Cochraine Collaboration consumer. Written many articles for newsletters, magazines, subject of chapters in three books. Educational background: Project LEAD, Evidence-based Healthcare Workshop, Food as Medicine, CancerGuides. CV available upon request.