Health Council of South Florida

7855 NW 12th St, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33126
Tel: 305-592-1452
Fax: 305-592-0589

Southeast Florida Cancer Control Collaborative
October Steering Committee Meeting
Conference Call Line Option: (786) 535-4360
Participant Code: 110 #
Trivel McKire, Chris Varela, Marie Etienne, Leonor Pupo, Lenisa Banwarie, Ann Fonfa.
SFCCC Co-Chair,Trivel McKire greeted steering committee members to the SFCCC Steering Committee meeting. Members were asked to state their name, organization, and work group they are a part of.
Workgroup Updates:
SFCCC work group updates are as follows:
1. Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group
Lenise Banwrie, Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group leader advised that the work group is currently working on contracts to get the Department of Health in Monroe County to host a collaborative meeting or host a conference call. Trivel McKire stated the collaborative previously discussed maximizing participation in meetings by considering various meeting locations. Lenise discussed the possibility of having team leads to increase participation in meetings and introduce new members and organizations to the collaborative. The strategy of having team leads will be revisited at the next meeting on November 5th, 2018.
2. Risk Reduction Work Group
Anne Fonfa, Risk Reduction Work Group leader reported that the Workgroup has inconsistent members. Trivel McKire stated the group has a new member and will forward the information to Anne. Anne advised the work group has been working on a poster that will assist in promoting healthier lifestyles. She asked a question regarding funding for the printing of the posters. Trivel McKire suggested the Steering Committee may have to write a grant for funding to get the posters printed. Chris Varela suggested to research funding opportunities from smaller foundations. Anne stated she had some ideas of funding opportunities and will begin researching them.
3. Disparities Work Group
Chris Varela, Disparities Work Group Co-Chair, stated the work group continues to offer the colon model to partners of the collaborative. Partners can borrow the colon model upon the completion of a signed waiver. Marie Etienne, Disparities Work Group Co-Chair advised the work group is focused on smoking cessation and Breast Cancer Awareness in Miami, North Miami, Miramar Florida. She also stated the work group has train approximately 66 nursing students in breast cancer screening and encouraged minority organizations to educate the community on cancer prevention. Marie advised the work group has addressed the strategic goals and held 2-3 events on cancer prevention. She also indicated the work group has also been teaching migrant workers on sun safety. The work group discussed the idea of providing education to the community on the detrimental effects of electronic cigarettes. Anne Fonfa provided a link ( and discussed how electronic cigarettes can potentially impair surgical wound healing. Chris Varela provided a link ( to the American Cancer Society’s website for more information regarding Amendment 9, which protects your right to a smoke-free workplace. He also stated the tobacco restrictions of the public housing authority and suggested this as an opportunity to educate the community.
4. Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group
Maray Salina, Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group leader was unavailable to join the meeting. Trivel McKire updated the group with the following on her behalf:The symposium the work group was previously working on was placed on hold.
New Business:
Co-Chair Tenure
2. The Steering Committee discussed the procedure for nominating 2 new co-chairs. The call for nominations of new co-chairs will be sent to the Steering Committee no later than October 26, 2018. Nominations will be due November 9, 2018. Voting will commence on November 16th and will be due no later than November 28, 2018. The results of the vote will be sent to the Steering Committee on November 30th, 2018.
3. HCSF Commitment letter
a. All members in attendance agreed with the HCSF commitment letter.
b. Letter of Support
i. All members in attendance agreed with providing the letter of support to the Social Determinants of Cancer Risk among Caribbean Immigrants in South Florida Project.
4. Announcements:
a. Steering Committee decided on November 5, 2018 at 11:30 a.m. for the next Steering Committee Meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m. The next Steering Committee meeting will take place on November 5th, 2018 at 11:30 a.m.