Health Council of South Florida

7855 NW 12th St, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33126
Tel: 305-592-1452
Fax: 305-592-0589

Southeast Florida Cancer Control Collaborative
February Steering Committee Meeting
Conference Call Line Option: (786) 535-4360
Participant Code: 110 #
Dr. Marie Etienne, Maray Salina, Leonor Pupo, Natasha Carr, Chris Varela, Cara Kondaki, Tenesha Avent
SFCCC Co-Chair, Dr. Marie Etienne and Maray Salina greeted the members to the SFCCC Steering Committee meeting. Members were asked to state their name, organization, and workgroup they are a part of.
Workgroup Updates:
SFCCC work group updates are as follows:
1. Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group
Leonor Pupo, Synergy and Networking/Membership Work Group leader stated the work group has received approval from Miami Print Shop for printing 500 SFCCC brochures. The work group has seen a growth of interest from the community for increased participation in SFCCC efforts.
2. Risk Reduction Work Group
Risk Reduction Work Group leaders will provide an update at the next Steering Committee Meeting.
3. Disparities Work Group
Chris Varela, Disparities Work Group leader, stated the work group held a call on Tuesday, February 12, 2019 to review the SFCCC Strategic Plan and discuss activities that would meet the Strategic Plan goals. New members have joined the work group from Gilda’s Club, Deliver the Dream, University of Miami, and Cullari Communications Group. There has been a total of 6 organizations, Holy Cross, Broward Health, Jessie Trice Community Health System, Community Health of South Florida, Baptist Health System, and Aventura Hospital, that have submitted requests to reserve the Colon Model for Colorectal Cancer Month in March. Chris challenged the new members to watch the Someone to Love DVD and suggested planning screening sessions for the community.
4. Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group
Cara Kondaki, Survivorship and Quality of Life Work Group leader stated the work group held a meeting on February 5, 2019. The work group began planning for the 2019 Survivorship Symposium. The Survivorship Symposium will be held at the Cleveland Clinic in Weston, Florida on June 1, 2019 from 8:30am-12:00pm. Four organizations, Baptist Hospital, Cleveland Clinic, Holy Cross Hospital, University of Miami Hospital, and Memorial Hospital will each provide 30-minute presentations. The focus of the presentations will be Survivorship Care Plan, Diet/Nutrition, Next level of Survivorship, and a wellness exercise (Chair yoga/Pilates). Maray, SFCCC Co-Chair, inquired about the marketing strategy for the event. Cara explained once speakers are confirmed then flyers will be created for distribution. The goal was to ensure the Symposium would be held in a central location since last one was at Memorial Regional. The work group will send a survey through the listserv to request nominees for the awards and then the Co-Chairs will decide the winners. The work group is considering bringing back previous winners to help decided new winners. The symposium will also include the presentation of the SFCCC Survivor Humanitarian Awards and an inspirational talk.
New Business:
Whatsapp for each work group​​
a. Dr. Etienne suggest utilizing this app to increase communication within each work group. Disparities Work Group leader explained the Disparities Work Group has benefited from using the app. Dr. Etienne provided her phone number to all work group leaders for assistance in creating an account.
2. Tracking Strategic Plan Objectives​
a. All members in attendance agreed to complete the Strategic Plan table before each Steering Committee meeting.
b. Chris Varela suggested speaking with Rogar Buckwalter regarding collaborating on smoking cessation activities.
3. HCSF Commitment letter
a. All members in attendance agreed with the HCSF commitment letter.
b. Letter of Support
i. All members in attendance agreed with providing the letter of support to the Social Determinants of Cancer Risk among Caribbean Immigrants in South Florida Project.
Dr. Etienne suggested all members attending the March Quarterly meeting to wear blue for Colorectal Cancer Month.
Meeting adjourned at 10:33 a.m. The next Steering Committee meeting will take place on March 1, 2019 at 10:00 a.m.