Health Council of South Florida

7855 NW 12th St, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33126
Tel: 305-592-1452
Fax: 305-592-0589

December Quarterly Meeting
Southeast Florida Cancer Control Collaborative
December 15, 2020
8:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m.
Zoom Meeting:
1. Ann Fonfa- Annie Appleseed Project
2. Belinda Paulicin- Gilda's Club South Florida
3. Dr. Brandon Mahal- University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center
4. Dinah Trevil- University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center
5. Donna Goodwin-Community Advocate
5. Elizabeth Marshall- Memorial Cancer Institute
6. Dr. Fayola Delica- Haitian American Nurses Association of Florida (HANA)
7. Islamiyat Adebisi- Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade
8. Jillian Guralski- Memorial Cancer Institute
9. Kim Praitano- Gilda' Club South Florida
10. Lenise Banwarie- Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade
11. Linda Schapell- Memorial Cancer Institute
12. Dr. Marie Etienne- Miami Dade College & Haitian American Nurses Association of Florida
13. Marilyn Roman- Miami-Dade AHEC
14. Patricia Dorcius- Miami-Dade AHEC
15. Tenesha Avent- Health Council of South Florida
16. Trevil McKire- Department of Health in Broward, Florida Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
25. Tenesha Avent-Health Council of South Florida
SFCCC Co-Chair, Dr. Marie Etienne welcomed the members to the quarterly meeting. Members were asked to state their name, organization, and workgroup.
2021-2023 SFCCC Co-Chair Announcement
Dr. Etienne discussed the 2021-2023 Co-Chair elections. She noted the nominations and voting for the new SFCCC Co-Chairs were completed in November. Once the voting was complete, the result displayed Cara Kondaki of the Cleveland Clinic Florida and Dina Trevil of the University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center will be the new SFCC Co-Chairs for the 2021-2023 years.
Work Group Updates:
SFCCC Work Group Updates, Next Steps, and Strategic Plan Discussion were provided are as followed:
Synergy and Networking/Membership Workgroup
Tenesha Avent, SFCCC Coordinator, provided the update for The Synergy and Networking/Membership Workgroup. The Coordinator noted due to some challenges related to COVID-19, the workgroup has not been able to convene. However, the latest strategies discussed with the workgroup leaders emphasized goal 1 of the Florida Cancer Plan which maximize cancer control resources by increasing collaboration among Florida cancer control stakeholders. The members will plan a brainstorming session to discuss innovative ways to encourage participation from cancer control stakeholder organizations not currently represented in the SFCCC.
Risk Reduction Workgroup
The Risk Reduction Work Group leaders Dinah Trevil provided the workgroup update. The Risk Reduction workgroup reported the members have discussed how to report the activities of the members in a more streamlined way to capitalize on the important work the members are completing. Based on their goals, 3, 4, and 8 of the Florida Cancer Plan, the members have also discussed more strategic ways to educate the community now that we have moved to a more virtual platform for providing educational sessions. For example, since January is Cervical Cancer month, the workgroup will create virtual educational items to engage the community more regarding Risk Reduction efforts surrounding Cervical Cancer and the HPV vaccine.
Disparities Workgroup
The Disparities Workgroup will provide an update at the next Quarterly meeting, however, during the meeting the Collaborative reviewed the Florida Cancer Plan and Dr. Etienne recommended the Disparities Workgroup focus their attention on goals 1, 4, 8, 12, and 13.
Survivorship and Quality of Life Workgroup
The Survivorship and Quality of Life Workgroup will provide an update at the next Quarterly meeting.
New Business:
American Cancer Society: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Cancer Screening Rates
Tenesha Avent, SFCCC Coordinator, presented to the Collaborative, American Cancer Society updates. The presentation focused on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the rates of Breast, Lung, Cervical, Colorectal Cancer screenings and HPV vaccinations. The purpose of the presentation was to provide a clear picture of the work that needs to be done to encourage community members to obtain their recommended screenings.
Member Announcements
There were no member announcements.
Prostate Cancer Disparities Presentation
Dr. Brandon Mahal, University of Miami, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center conducted a presentation on Systematic Racism and Prostate Cancer Disparities in the Genomic Era.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m. The next SFCCC Quarterly Meeting will take place in March.