Health Council of South Florida

7855 NW 12th St, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33126
Tel: 305-592-1452
Fax: 305-592-0589
Board of Directors Vacancies
The Health Council of South Florida, Inc. (HCSF)
is seeking Committed, Passionate and Engaged
Leaders to join its Board of Directors to represent
Monroe County.
Health Council of South Florida (HCSF) is one of eleven local health councils
created by Florida Statute 408.033 to coordinate health services planning across
the state. Our mission is to be the source of unbiased health and quality of life
data and analysis; the preferred partner for quality program planning,
management, evaluation, and community services; the facilitator of
collaboration and partnerships in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties; and the
trusted champion for ethical and targeted healthcare policy at the local, state,
and national levels.
There are (3) seats available in the following categories to represent
Monroe County:
Healthcare Provider (1 seat):
Defined as a health care professional licensed under chapter 458, chapter 459,
chapter 460, chapter 461, chapter 463, chapter 464, chapter 465, chapter 466,
part I, part III, part IV, part V, or part X of chapter 468, chapter 483, chapter 484,
chapter 486, chapter 490, or chapter 491.
Healthcare Purchaser (2 seats):
Defined as an employer in the state, other than a health care facility, health
insurer, or health care provider, who provides health care coverage for her or his
If you are interested in applying for a Board position at the Health Council of
South Florida, please click here to download the application packet.
Please return the completed application packet along with your CV/Resume to
Vanessa Naranjo, Office Administrator via email: vnaranjo@healthcouncil.org
For additional information, please feel free to visit our webiste at
www.healthcouncil.org or call our office at 305-592-1452.