Health Council of South Florida

7855 NW 12th St, Suite 117
Miami, FL 33126
Tel: 305-592-1452
Fax: 305-592-0589

The Health Council of South Florida (HCSF), in partnership with the Florida Department of Health (FDOH), provides housing assistance and related supportive services for low‐income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. HCSF has a team of Housing Case Managers who assists eligible clients throughout the process of applying for program assistance and finding safe and affordable housing. Our team has a strong working knowledge of how social service systems operate and possess the empathy required to understand and relate to individuals who work within this field.

The Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Program is a national program established by the AIDS Housing Opportunity Act of 1990, and revised under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 to provide housing assistance and related supportive services for low‐income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. HOPWA is funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It provides states and designated eligible metropolitan areas with resources and incentives for meeting the housing needs of persons with HIV disease and AIDS. The Florida Department of Health (FDOH), which contracts with project sponsors (agencies and organizations) at the local level, administers Florida’s HOPWA Program.
The State HOPWA Program provides the following services to qualified individuals:
Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utility assistance (STRMU)
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
Resource identification services
Permanent Housing Placement (PHP)
Housing case management
Other supportive services including, but not limited to, nutritional services, mental health, drug and alcohol treatment, and assistance in gaining access to local, state, and federal government benefits and services
Persons and their families with documented HIV disease who meet eligibility requirements and other State HOPWA Program qualifications can qualify for services. To obtain details of eligibility requirements, please visit (under “Patient Care,” “Eligibility Information”). By coordinating HOPWA services through the Ryan White Part B consortia and planning bodies, HOPWA participants have access to a variety of support services that contribute to a stable housing situation.
To speak with a dedicated HCSF Housing Case Manager, please contact our main office at 305-592-1452 or send an email to
FDOH contracts with project sponsors in Ryan White Part B consortium and planning body areas throughout Florida. Information about accessing HOPWA services in your area can be obtained by calling the Florida HIV/AIDS Hotline at 1-800-FLA-AIDS, or by visiting the website
To speak with a HCSF dedicated Housing Case Manager, please contact us at